Follow PKG Telok Kechai

Sunday, 27 May 2012

Ijazah sarjana muda ..PPG ambilan julai 2012

sila ambil perhatian,kepada yang layak...

PPG KPM/jun2012

    carian utama :   

Friday, 25 May 2012

KOIR hari Guru Peringkat Negeri Kedah 2012

Penglibatan dalam pasukan Koir Hari Guru Negeri Kedah 2012 yang diadakan Dewan Insaniah ,

Monday, 21 May 2012

PKG on progress 'renovation'

mei 2012,
PKG Telok Kechai sekarang dalam proses renovasi bilik,pejabat,dan bilik mesyuarat..

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Selamat Menyambut Hari Guru.
Guru Inovatif Melonjakkan Transformasi Pendidikan Negara.


Thursday, 3 May 2012


Celebrating The 50th Anniversary of Peace Corp Malaysia "PHOTO EXHIBITION LAUCH"
03 May 2012(Thursday)Auditorium,Kedah State Library
Launch speech by : Deputy Chairman of Kedah State Library Corporation
Yang Berhormat Tuan Haji Md Zuki bin Yusof

50 years of enduring freindship 1962 - 2012 PEACE CORPS MALAYSIA

 Also see wiki :   Peace Corps Wiki is a collaborative project whose goal is to create a free, interactive, and up-to-date source of information about serving as a volunteer with the U.S. Peace Corps. Anyone, from Returned Volunteers to future Applicants, are welcome to edit any entry, or start a new one.

  1. Provide a forum for RPCVs, PCVs and people with an interest in Peace Corps.
  2. Store online documentation of what volunteering as a Peace Corps volunteer is like. Serving for two years in the Peace Corps may seem like a long time, but Close of Service may come faster than you expect. Volunteers can make the most of their time in-country through well organized material, collaboration and knowledge sharing.
  3. Promote institutional memory building within the Peace Corps.
  4. Expose and diffuse volunteer input that may help the in process of reform and growth at the administrative level of PC, which with intern shape future policy and training.
  5. Showcase the skills and accomplishments made by a wide cross section of volunteers.
  6. Spark the imaginations of those future volunteers and visionaries that have yet to join PC.
  7. Provide an expandable and up-to-date resource to communities, RPCVs, and current PCVs on Peace Corps.